Sainsbury Fellowships for Medical, Biological and veterinary Researchers 2016


Sainsbury Fellowships for Medical, Biological and veterinary Researchers 2016

NC3Rs David Sainsbury Fellowships UK 2016 for Medical, Biological and Veterinary Research.

Under David Sainsbury Fellowships program, applications are invited from all nationality students who fulfill eligibility requirements. The scholarship is for postdoctoral degree programme. Students can apply for medical, biological and veterinary research. Successful candidate will get commensurate salary. The applicant is required to be a researcher with two to six years of experience. The university accepts all English language test including IELTS. The last date for submission of Application is 26th April 2016.

Eligibility Requirement:

Academic Qualification: The applicant must be a researcher in the respective field with two to six years of experience.

Nationalities Eligible: Students from all nationalities are eligible to apply for Sainsbury Fellowship.

English Language Requirements: All students of every nationality are required to prove their English language competence. Even native-speakers of English must demonstrate that they meet our minimum language requirements to gain entry to the University. University accepts all of the English language qualifications for entry to the University, including IELTS qualifications from any IELTS test centre. Applicants who require an IELTS test as part of an application for degree-level studies may take this test at any IELTS centre.

Documents Required: Before submitting a full application, applicants are required to complete an outline of the research proposal.
A CV is also required and should include:
-Award date of PhD (date on degree certificate)
-Employment history
-Full list of publications (including those submitted or in press)

Application Procedure: Applications should be sent via e-mail. Please email completed outlines and CVs to

Deadline: 26 April 2016.

Scholarship Link

More about David Sainsbury:

David Sainsbury was born into a strong family tradition of philanthropy. He set up the Gatsby Charitable Foundation as an endowed grant-making trust in 1967, just four years after graduating from King’s College, Cambridge, having read History and Psychology.

David Sainsbury began his professional career when he joined the UK retailer J Sainsbury plc in 1963. He gained an MBA from the Columbia Graduate School of Business in New York in 1971 before becoming J Sainsbury’s Finance Director in 1973, holding the position for 17 years. He was appointed as the company’s Deputy Chairman in 1988 and became Chairman in 1992.
