2016 LA CAIXA/Severo Ochoa International PhD Fellowships

LA CAIXA/Severo Ochoa International PhD Fellowships
2016 LA CAIXA/Severo Ochoa International PhD Fellowships

2016 LA CAIXA/Severo Ochoa International PhD Fellowships

2016 LA CAIXA/Severo Ochoa International PhD Fellowships

Brief LA CAIXA/Severo Ochoa International PhD Fellowships:

The Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) is inviting applications for LA CAIXA /Severo Ochoa International PhD Fellowships. Applicants of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this fellowship programme. ICN2 research lines focus on the newly discovered physical and chemical properties that arise from the fascinating behaviour of matter at the nanoscale.

Candidates must have a high working knowledge of English.

Degree Level: Phd Programmes

Subjects Offered: Following are the subjects which will be offered. (Candidates will be asked to select their areas of interest during the application process).

  • Nanodevices for Life
  • Nanodevices for Energy
  • Nanodevices for ICT
  • Theory and Simulation
  • Characterisation and Metrology
  • Growth of Nanomaterials and Nanofabrication

Scholarship Award: ICN2 will offer:
-Full-time contract as a PhD researcher, for up to 4 years, extended yearly upon evaluation.
-Foreseen date of incorporation: September/October 2016.
-Social benefits: Flexible timetable, Flexible Benefits Package.
-Scientific excellence, a challenging project, and an innovative work environment.

Eligibility Criteria: A candidate must

  • have obtained a Degree in Physics, Chemistry or Materials Science and completed a Master in Materials Science, Nanotechnology, or alike, that allows starting a PhD thesis by September 2016.
  • have an excellent academic record, previous research experience and a strong commitment for scientific research.
  • not have gained “la Caixa” postgraduate fellowship previously.
  • Excellent Knowledge of English.
  • work in team.

Eligible Nationalities: Both national and international PhD students are eligible for application submission.

Admission Requirement at  Catalan Institute of Nano science and Nanotechnology:

Entrance Requirement: Candidates must have obtained a Degree in Physics, Chemistry or Materials Science and completed a master in Materials Science, Nanotechnology, or alike, that allows starting a PhD thesis by September 2016.

There is no test Requirment.

PhD Scholarships

How to Apply: Eligible applicants should complete an online scholarship application.

Application Form

Application Deadline: The application deadline is May 4, 2016.

Details Link


More about la Caixa

LA CAIXA/Severo Ochoa International PhD FellowshipsThe fellowships offered by “la Caixa” Foundation are part of a Programme to support the Severo Ochoa Excellence Centers, a network of centers awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The Severo Ochoa Program aims to identify and support Spanish research centres that are among the world’s best in their specialty.
