Jennings Randolph Peace Scholarship Program at USA Universities

Jennings Randolph Peace Scholarship Program at USA Universities

Jennings Randolph Peace Scholarship Program at USA Universities

USA: Jennings Randolph Peace Scholarship Program at USA Universities for Scholars Worldwide

Jennings Randolph Peace Scholarship

Course(s) Offered: Any discipline (Peace building, Conflict management)
Course Level: Graduate (Phd, fellowship)
Provider: United States Institute of Peace
Country to Study in: USA
The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) is delighted to announce that the Jennings Randolph Peace Scholarship program is being continued this year.

The JR Program for International Peace awards Peace Scholar Dissertation Fellowships to students enrolled in U.S. universities who are researching and writing doctoral dissertations on topics related to international conflict management and peacebuilding.

Fellowships are open to citizens of any country. Dissertation projects in all disciplines are welcome.

Citizens of any country may apply.

Applicants must be enrolled in recognized doctoral programs (for example, Ph.D., S.J.D., Ed.D., Th.D.) in accredited universities in the United States.

Successful candidates must have completed all course work and examinations towards their doctoral degrees by the time their fellowships begin.

Selection Criteria:
Selection of fellowship candidates is based on the following criteria:

  • Project Significance.
  • Policy and/or practitioner relevance.
  • Project Design.
  • Potential as a Peace Scholar.

For detailed criteria, visit the official website via link below.

Eligible groups
Citizens of ALL countries are eligible to apply

Participating Institutions
All accredited universities and institutions of higher learning in the United States.

Peace Scholars carry out their fellowship work at their universities or other sites appropriate to their research. They are expected to devote full attention to their work and provide periodic reports to the Institute.

Fields of study
Proposals from ALL disciplines are welcome.

Proposals should be consistent with the Institute’s mission and present a research agenda with clear relevance to policy issues. Historical topics are appropriate if they promise to shed light on contemporary issues.

Area studies projects and single case studies will be competitive if they focus on conflict and its resolution, apply to other regions and cases, or both.

Jennings Randolph Peace Scholarship Program

Number of awards
Each year the program awards approximately ten Peace Scholar Fellowships. Beginning in 2015, the program will award 4-7 Peace Scholar Fellowships.

Between 1988 and 2014, USIP awarded scholarships to some 250 pre-doctoral Peace Scholars, whose USIP scholarships supported writing and research for cutting-edge doctoral dissertations on international conflict and peacebuilding.

Sponsorship duration
Fellowships last for 10 months, starting in September.

Scholarship benefits
Peace Scholar Awards are currently set at $20,000 for 10 months and are paid directly to the individual.

Peace Scholar awards may not be deferred. They generally may not be combined with any other major award or fellowship except in special circumstances and with the written approval of the Institute.

Method of Application
There is no single formula for preparing a sound proposal. However, many successful applications for USIP Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowships have certain elements in common. For this, read the “Components of a Successful Proposal”, a pdf document found on the official website via link below.

Please provide the contact information (address, email and telephone) of your three referees. Referees should not be related to you and should have direct and recent knowledge of your qualifications, activities, and character.

It is important to read the “Components of a Successful Proposal” for insights on how to make your application as strong as possible and also to visit the official website (link to it is below) for complete information on how to apply for this fellowship award.

The 2016-2017 Peace Scholarship fellowship competition opens in June. The application deadline is Friday, December 11, 2016 by 5:00pm/17:00 EST.

Peace Scholars may be invited to give a presentation at the Institute and to participate in Institute workshops, conferences, and other activities.

You are responsible for making sure that your reference letters are submitted and posted by the deadline for letters (one week after the application deadline)! You can check on your letters while you are working on your application as well as after you have submitted it by signing into Webgrants and looking at the References section of your application. It is a good idea to let your referees know that the letters posted successfully, too. Please do not write to USIP Fellowship staff to ask about your letters or to ask staff to contact your referees on your behalf.

No hard copies of reference letters, please.

Application Deadline: 11 December 2016
Open to International Applicants: Yes

Further Scholarship Information and Application
