Merieux Research Grants in Worldwide 2016

Merieux Research Grants
Merieux Research Grants in Worldwide 2016

Merieux Research Grants in Worldwide 2016

Applications are invited for Merieux research grants to promote and identify innovative projects n infectious diseases, cancer and cardiovascular diseases, nutrition, food and water safety. Those that are selected are awarded a two-year grant (up to € 200,000), with Merieux Institute having the option of establishing strategic partnerships in the event of success. Grants are open to any established scientist from academic and private research institutions. Grants are primarily allocated to proposals submitted by a single principal investigator. The application deadline is September 24, 2015.

Participating Institute: Merieux Institute in Worldwide.

Study Subject: Grants are awarded to conduct projects on infectious diseases, cancer and cardiovascular diseases, nutrition, food and water safety.
Degree Level:
Grants are available for research program.
Scholarship can be taken at:

Eligibility: The Merieux Research Grants are flexible (i.e. can be used for consumables, equipment, salaries and/or travel expenses), and open to any established scientist from academic and private research institutions. Applications from pharma/biotech entities are not eligible. Grants are primarily allocated to proposals submitted by a single principal investigator. Collaborative projects from two PIs are eligible (though not prioritized) : in such a case, grants from successful applications will be allocated to the hosting institution of the main PI.

Eligible Nationalities: These grants are available for worldwide applicants.


What does it cover: The grants include:

  • Advanced Research Grant: One-hundred Euros (€100,000) to two-hundred Euros (€200,000) over two years.
  • Starting Research Grant: forty thousand Euros (€40,000) over two years.

Selection Criteria: Grants are awarded upon assessment of a short (seven pages) proposal.

Notification: The whole selection process takes about 4-6 months.

Application Procedure: Applications should be sent as a single PDF file to Marie-Helene Brinjean (assistant). A cover letter highlighting the objectives and impact of the project, and the relevant expertise and achievements of the PI is welcome (though not mandatory). Whatever the type of grants, the application should provide the informations detailed below, using templates that can be downloaded from the Institut Merieux website. The overall length of the application should not exceed 7 pages (Arial 11, single space). Any application that does not respect this length constraint will not be reviewed.

  •  Information on the Principal Investigator (name, first name, title, gender, nationality, current faculty/institute /department/laboratory, phone and e-mail contact details).
  • Description of the Project (title, keywords, state of the art, preliminary and expected results, methods and workplan, ethical issues if applicable, expected translation into innovative tools and technologies, budget (consumables, equipment, salaries and/or travel).
  • Information on other participants (name, title, positions).
  • Information on potential subcontractors (third party which has entered into an agreement on business conditions with one or more participants and that may be related to the submitted project in the absence of direct supervision of the PI or without a relationship of subordination to the PI); (name, position and e-mail contact details).
  • Information on the administrative official of the host institution (if applicable; person representing the host institution for intellectual property); (name, position, phone and e-mail contact details).
  • Brief description, if available, of the intellectual property policy relevant for the Principal Investigator, his(her) team and subcontractors; repartition of this property among the participants and the host institution, if applicable, existing pre-existing intellectual property rights and their associated conditions of access.
  • CV (half page biosketch) and main achievements (15 relevant publications maximum) prizes, awards, patents, involvement in main steering committees, study sections and/or editorial boards)

Application Form

Deadline: The application deadline is September 24, 2015.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
