Computer and System Sciences Position for Postgraduate Students in Sweden

Computer and System Sciences Position
Computer and System Sciences Position for Postgraduate Students in Sweden

Computer and System Sciences Position for Postgraduate Students in Sweden

Computer and System Sciences Position, The available position targets research in the field of multidimensional imaging and communication. In particular, the aim of the research is to produce a light field communication test bed and explore the consequences on processing, distribution and presentation by utilizing a large number of cameras of different types and visualizing captured data in different ways. The research will address problems related to collaborating cameras; transferring the data to another location; and/or computing improvements to depth maps, resolutions, and signals based on redundant captured information, in order to produce consistent virtual views on the receiver side based on data interpolation and geometric projections. This research will be pursued in close cooperation with industrial partners.

The candidate is expected to pursue theoretical and experimental research. The research is a part of the profile area of Industrial IT and digital services at Mid Sweden University, and it will be carried out in collaboration with other researchers in the research group Realistic 3D, part of the STC Research Centre. More information can be found

As a postgraduate student, your main task is to pursue research and graduate studies. An interest in mathematical formulation and analysis, as well as programming is required. The work is of theoretical nature with elements of computer simulations and experimental work. The work will also involve close cooperation with industrial partners and international contacts. The employment consists of 80% research and 20% teaching or other institutional duties.

Qualified for application are students who before 1st of June 2007 has completed basic education of at least 120 ECTS and advanced courses of at least 60 ECTS, or alternatively, who after 1st of June 2007 have passed an examination at advanced level or have completed course requirements of at least 240 ECTS, including at least 60 ECTS at advanced (master) level. In addition, the applicant shall have at least 90 ECTS in relevant research discipline or corresponding knowledge. Good knowledge of English, both orally and in writing, is required. Master of Science degree in electrical engineering, computer science or applied physics is an appropriate background for employment.

Selection criteria:
In addition to the formal qualifications, selection is also based on other works (e.g. thesis), and advanced level courses, and through interviews of applicants. Besides good subject knowledge, emphasis will be on creative thinking, ability to cooperate, initiative to work independently and personal suitability for research training. Previous experience of sensor fusion, multiple view geometry, computer vision, computer graphics, virtual reality, visualization, as well as image and video processing and coding is meritorious.

This postgraduate position is primarily a 2.5-years employment and is expected to lead to a licentiate degree. Employment may be extended up to the PhD degree, provided that additional funding is obtained. Location: Sundsvall.

15 August 2015, or by appointment

According to the Mid Sweden University regulations for graduate students

Further information is available from Prof. Mårten Sjöström (Head of the research group Realistic 3D), [email protected], phone +46 60 148836 or Dr. Patrik Österberg (Head of department), [email protected], phone, +46 60 14 8614. See also for more information on doctoral studies in Sweden. Union representatives are Ummis Jonsson, SACO, phone +46 63-16 53 08, and Lollo Ljuslin, ST/TCO, phone +46 63 165714.

Application Procedure:
The application shall include (1) a one-page statement written in English describing the applicant’s motivation for applying for the position, her/his strengths and weaknesses, and carrier interests including a brief description of the candidate’s goals and expectations for its graduate studies; (2) transcripts of prior academic degree programme(s); and (3) a CV. If available, recommendation letters, list of publications or proof of other relevant qualifications may supplement the application. Female candidates are encouraged to apply in order to achieve a better gender balance at the department. Documents shall be sent to the Registrar, Mid Sweden University, 851 70, Sundsvall, Sweden, or electronically to [email protected].  State ref. no. MIUN 2014/2353. Applications must be received by Mid Sweden University no later than 15 June 2015, but applications are evaluated as they are received.

Further Information

Application Deadline : 15 June 2015

Read more: Scholarships in Sweden
