15 Marie-Curie PhD scholarships in IDS-FunMat (Europe)
In 2015, International Doctoral School in Fuctional Materials (IDS-FunMat) offers 15 Marie-Curie PhD scholarships in materials research, grouped into 6 topics. PhD projects are carried out in co-supervision between universities from two different countries (see list of partners). In all projects an industry partner is also involved. The PhD candidates must spend at least 6 months in each university. The projects start around October 2015 and take 3-4 years.
Partner Universities:
- University Bordeaux (UBX), France
- Grenoble INP (GINP), France
- University Aveiro (UAVR), Portugal
- University of Luxembourg (ULUX)
- Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
- University Liège (ULG), Belgium
- Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium
- Technical University Darmstadt (TUDA), Germany
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Education Requirement:
In our project, the general condition is that the applicant has, or will have at the start of his/her PhD, a Master or equivalent university degree in Materials Science or a related field.
Deadline: 31 May 2015
Further Details and Application Procedure
please visit official website, click here.
Read more: Scholarships in Europe