OPITO, the skills organization for oil and gas, is offering two OPITO Piper Alpha Memorial MSc Safety Scholarships for international student to study at University of Aberdeen, England. Each scholarship is valued at £6,000 for the one year duration of the MSc in Safety & Reliability Engineering for Oil & Gas degree and will contribute towards the students’ maintenance costs. In addition, the scholars’ dissertations must address the issue of ‘safety in the oil and gas industry’. The dissertation of the scholarship recipient obtaining the highest mark will receive a further £500.
Grade Offered: Post Graduate courses are offered.
Subjects Offered: Physical Sciences, Safety & Reliability Engineering for Oil & Gas
Participating Institution: University of Aberdeen, England
Nationality Eligible: UK, EU and International Students are eligible
- This scholarship is open to UK, EU and International students.
- To be considered for an OPITO Piper Alpha Memorial MSc Safety Scholarship you will need to have applied to the University of Aberdeen for a place on the one year full-time MSc in Safety & Reliability Engineering for Oil & Gas degree course starting in September 2015.
- To be awarded an OPITO Piper Alpha Memorial MSc Safety Scholarship you must receive and then firmly accept an unconditional offer of a place on the MSc in Safety & Reliability Engineering for Oil & Gas at the University of Aberdeen.
- Those who are awaiting degree results and therefore hold a conditional offer of a place can also be considered and will be asked to provide a copy of their degree certificate before the award is confirmed.
How to Apply:
Fill the Scholarship Application Form to apply OPITO Piper Alpha Memorial MSc Safety Scholarships 2015
Deadline: Friday, May 29, 2015
More Information: OPITO Piper Alpha Memorial MSc Safety Scholarships 2015