Twenty-first (21st) Foreigners’ Fellowships Program in Greece 2015,
Applications are invited for Onassis scholarships available for University Professors of all levels (PhD holders), postdoctoral researchers (PhD holders), artists, postgraduate students and PhD candidates. This programme is available for scholarly research or artistic creation in Greece and in Humanities, Social Science, Economic Science and Arts. The number and duration for both categories are different. Up to 15 in category A scholarships are awarded for three to six months and up to 10 in Category C educational scholarship are awarded for five to ten months during the academic year Oct. 2015–Sept. 2016. Closing date is January 31st 2015.
- The Programme covers the following fields only: Humanities: Philology, Literature, Linguistics, History, Archaeology, Philosophy, Educational Studies, Psychology. Social Science (excluding Law): Political Sciences, Sociology, Political analysis, International and European Studies, Administration Sciences, Social Theory and Social Policy. Economic Science: Maritime Studies, Finance, and Public Finance, Arts: Art History, Visual Arts, Music, Dance, Theater, Photography, Film Studies and New Media Cultural administration, (only Theoretic Studies, artists are not included).
- Scholarships are available to University Professors of all levels (PhD holders), postdoctoral researchers and PhD candidates.
- Onassis Foundation is providing these Fellowships.
Eligibility: The Eligibility for Twenty-first (21st) Foreigners’ Fellowships Program in Greece 2015 are as under:
a) Persons of non Greek descent.
b) Cypriot citizens are also eligible to apply for category A grants only, provided they are permanently residing and working outside Greece.
c) Persons of Greek descent (second generation and on) are also eligible to apply for a grant or scholarship, provided they are permanently residing and working abroad or currently studying in foreign Universities.
d) Category A also apply to Scholars of Greek descent or citizenship provided they have a professional academic career of at least ten (10) years in a University or Research Institute abroad.
e) The above mentioned clarification (d) also applies to post-graduate students of Greek descent or citizenship, who pursue post-graduate studies outside of Greece (category C), have obtained a degree outside of Greece and are permanently residing outside of Greece for more than fifteen (15) years.
-Category A – if you are a Full Professor, you have to be over 35. If you are Associate Professor, you have to be over 30. There are no age limits for all other candidates for this grant. Category C – all candidates have to be under 40.
- International students can apply for these Onassis scholarships. Cypriot citizens are also eligible to apply for category A grants only, provided they are permanently residing and working outside Greece.
- In 1995 the Foundation established an annual programme of grants and scholarships for research, study and artistic endeavour within Greece. The educational programme is intended exclusively for non-Greeks: members of national academies, university professors of all levels, PhD holders, post-doctorate researchers, post-graduate students and doctoral candidates, artists, and teachers of Greek language, literature, history and culture in both primary and secondary education. Exceptionally and on a case-by-case basis, the programme may accept Greeks of the Diaspora, second generation Greeks, and Greeks who permanently reside abroad and have been studying or have been employed in foreign Universities for over 10 or 15 years, depending on the type of scholarship. The Foundation announces the twenty-first (21st) annual Programme of research grants and educational scholarships starting on October 1st, 2015 which is addressed to non -Greeks, University Professors of all levels (Ph.D. holders), Postdoctoral Researchers (Ph.D. holders) and Ph.D. Candidates.
- The number of scholarships awarded by the Foundation to foreigners varies from year to year (15 scholarships for category A and 10 for Category C).
- Category A research grant will be available from three [3] up to six [6] months maximum during the academic year Oct. 2015–Sept. 2016 and Category C educational scholarship will be from five [5] up to ten [10] months during the academic year Oct. 2015–Sept. 2016.
- Category A research grant: 1. A round trip air-ticket (economy class) from and to the country and place where the grantee is permanently living, for the grantee only, for the beginning of the scholarship and upon definite departure from Greece. 2. A monthly allowance of One Thousand Five Hundred Euros (€ 1.500) for subsistence, accommodation and all other expenses. NOTE: The grant does not cover the period from July 15 to August 31. The Foundation wishes to advise the applicants that it will not extend any facility other than the described above under any circumstances whatsoever. No allowance or air ticket is provided to the grantee’s spouse or dependents.
Category C Educational Scholarship: 1. A round trip air-ticket (economy class) for the scholarship recipient only for the beginning of the scholarship and upon definite departure from Greece 2. A monthly allowance of Eight Hundred Fifty Euros (€ 850.-) for subsistence, accommodation and all other expenses.
NOTE: The scholarship does not cover the month of August. The Foundation wishes to advise the applicants that it will not extend any facility other than the described above under any circumstances. No allowance or air ticket is provided to the grantee’s spouse or dependents.
Selection Criteria: The decision to authorize each application for a grant or scholarship is left to the absolute discretion of the Board of Directors of the Foundation. The Board takes into account the recommendations of the Foundation’s Scientific Committee, which is selected by the Board, but is not bound by these recommendations. Furthermore, the Board of Directors can either approve or reject an application without communicating the rationale. All meetings of the Board and all recommendations of the Committee are confidential and under no circumstances will they be communicated to the applicants. The submission of an application equals acceptance of all the conditions of the Announcement.
- Applicants will be informed of the results via e-mail by the end of July 2015.
- The application form can be submitted online. In this case, see the requirements and the deadline stated on the online document. In case the application form is sent by surface mail, it must imperatively be accompanied by all supporting documents and post-marked no later than January 31, 2015. Application files (application form and supporting documents) can either be sent by registered mail at the Foundation’s offices or handed in at the Foundation’s Foreigners’ Fellowships Department in person or by representative. Applications sent after the above mentioned deadline will not be accepted.
The Twenty-first (21st) Foreigners’ Fellowships Program in Greece 2015 application deadline is January 31st 2015.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
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