Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Student Scholarships & IMRD for International Students, 2015


Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Student Scholarships & IMRD for International Students, 2015

The joint International Master in Rural Development (IMRD), part of the European Commission’s Erasmus Mundus JMD programme, offers the opportunity to become an international expert on rural development in its diversity of approaches and applications, on a scholarship provided by the European Union. The IMRD master course programme, is a high level academic programme aimed at training top students from all over the world into specialists in integrated rural development, focussed on socio-economic and institutional aspects; not only from the European Union but also from developed, developing and transition countries outside the EU. The IMRD master course programme is a 2 year master programme (120 ECTS) jointly organised by 16 worldwide leading universities in rural development and agricultural economics. The methodology consists of a combination of basic and specialised training in technical, economic and social sciences, a case study of one month, an individual master thesis and a high extent of student and scholar mobility.

Applications are invited for Erasmus Mundus scholarships to joint master degree programme in Rural Development. The programme is jointly organised by six European leading institutes in Agricultural Economics and Rural Development in collaboration with several partners in the United States, China, Ecuador, Erasmus-MundusIndia and South Africa. Applicants which have the official nationality of an Erasmus+ Partner Country and who meet the IMRD admission requirements and have been be academically admitted by the IMRD Management Board to participate the IMRD programme are eligible. The application deadline is March 15th 2015.

  • Scholarships awarded for International Master in Rural Development (IMRD) programme.
  • Scholarships are available for pursuing joint master degree programme.Through IMRD students can study at least one semester at the following universities: within Europe: Ghent University (Belgium), Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany), Agrocampus Ouest (France), University of Pisa (Italy), Wageningen University (The Netherlands) and Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia) and outside Europe: ESPOL (Ecuador), China Agricultural University (China), Nanjing Agricultural University (China), University of Arkansas (USA), University of Pretoria (South Africa) and University of Agricultural Sciences of Bangalore (India)
  • European Commission is providing these scholarships.
  • Scholarship can be taken at Belgium, Ecuador, Germany, China, Italy, USA, The Netherlands, South Africa, Slovakia and India.

Eligibility: Are eligible
-applicants which have the official nationality of an Erasmus+ Partner Country
-applicants who meet the IMRD admission requirements and have been be academically admitted by the IMRD Management Board to participate the IMRD programme
Are not eligible
-nationals from a Erasmus+ Partner Country who have carried out their main activity (studies, training, work) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in an Erasmus+ Programme Country. (The 5-years reference period is calculated backwards from the IMRD submission deadline for an EMJMD student Scholarship
-persons who have already been awarded an EMJMD, an Erasmus Mundus Master Course, or a Joint Doctorate scholarship
-persons who receive another EU funded scholarship during their participation to the IMRD programme
-persons who apply to more than 3 different EMJMD Scholarship programmes for the same academic year.

  • Erasmus Mundus scholarships are open for all nationalities (all Erasmus+ partner countries) Erasmus+ Programme countries and non-EU Erasmus+ Programme countries i.e. Belgium, Greece, Lithuania, Portugal, Bulgaria, Spain, Luxembourg, Romania, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Slovenia, Denmark, Croatia, Malta, Slovakia, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Finland, Estonia, Cyprus, Austria, Sweden, Ireland, Latvia, Poland, United Kingdom, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Turkey are not eligible.

Scholarships are available for two year master programme.

The EMJMD scholarship and IMRD Consortium Scholarship include:
-2 year Tuition fee for the IMRD programme
-2 year full worldwide insurance coverage
-a contribution to travel and installation costs
-24 monthly subsistence allowances

Application Procedure: Applying for the EMJDM Student Scholarship goes through the completion of both steps of the Erasmus Mundus scholarship application form, prior to the deadlines for both the online as the hard copy application form.

Deadline:March 15th 2015.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
