Gini Foundation Grants for Foreign Students in Italy, 2014-2015
The Fondazione “Ing. Aldo Gini” assignes grants to support International Students who plan to attend a period of study or specialization at departments of the University of Padova in the scientific fields of Agriculture, Engineering or Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences. The Fondazione “Ing. Aldo Gini”, based at the University of Padova, in pursuance of its institutional aims, calls for applications for grants for a total amount of Euro 25,000.00 according to the following procedures. The grants are assigned to support, for a period of not more than one year, those who plan to pursue a period of study and/or specialization at departments of the University of Padova in the scientific fields of Agriculture, Engineering or Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences for a period of at least six months.Grants are assigned to study and/or specialization at departments of the University of Padova in the scientific fields of Agriculture, Engineering or Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences for a period of at least six months.
- Grants are available for pursuing postgraduate degree at University of Padova.
- The Fondazione “Ing. Aldo Gini” is providing these scholarships.
Eligibility: Foreign nationals may apply for the grants who are less than 35 years old at the closing date for the call and who are graduates of degree courses at foreign Universities in subjects pertaining to the scientific fields of Agriculture, Engineering or Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences.
- Foreign nationals can apply for these grants.
How to Apply: Original signed applications must be sent, by registered post or preferably by express courier, to the Fondazione “Ing. Aldo Gini”. enclosing:
1. Curriculum vitae in European format;
2. Notification of any contributions obtained for study and/or research activities from which the candidate might benefit during the period of the grant;
3. Original degree certificate with indication of the exams taken and relative marks;
4. Detailed programme of the studies or research to be carried out, indicating the period,
Department and any presumed fees for enrolment in or attending courses;
5. Declaration of acceptance by the supervisor countersigned by the Director of the hosting Department;
6. Declaration of adequate knowledge of the English language;
7. Any other useful credentials;
8. Authorization for the management of personal data, in compliance with D.Lgs. 196/2003
The application deadline is September 15, 2014. Incomplete applications will be automatically excluded.