UNESCO Scholarships for South Asian Students in bhutan 2014
UNESCO Madanjeet Centre for South Asia Forestry Studies (UMCSAFS) at Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment (UWICE), Bumthang, Bhutan is pleased to announce the Madanjeet Singh scholarship for three years Sustainable Development degree program to be undertaken at College of Natural Resources (CNR), Royal University of Bhutan in Lobesa, Punakha, Bhutan from July 2014 to July 2017.
The selected candidate (after completing sustainable degree program in CNR) will also need to undergo one-year independent forestry/conservation/environment research related program in UWICE (August 2017- July 2018). One candidate each from eight SAARC countries (India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Pakistan and Afghanistan) will be selected for the scholarship.
The scholarship will cover:
a) Tuition fees
b) Economy air travel from the scholar’s place of residence within SAARC to Bhutan and back
c) Monthly stipend of Nu. 12,000.00 based on existing SAARC scholarship rate to cover logistics and personal expenses
d) Nominal book allowance and printings (Nu. 5000.00 per year)
e) In-country travel as per Royal Government of Bhutan’s rate (Nu. 150.00 per day while on travel)
Eligibility Criteria
1) Candidates must be class XII pass with minimum of 55% in English
2) He/She should be fluent in English (both in written and speaking)
3) He/She should produce English Language Proficiency Certificate from recognized/competent institutions
4) He/she should be below 35 years of age and need to submit the birth certificate along with other relevant documents.