Europe : Erasmus Mundus scholarship-European Master in Media Engineering for Education
Students who wish to attend the Euromime master course may qualify for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship. Since this scholarship will not be systematically awarded, students applying for the course are strongly encouraged to look for extra sources of funding (sponsorship). More details.
Eligibility criteria
Applicants must :
- hold a Bachelor’s degree (Licence) or an equivalent in compliance with the legislation and the national practices.
- have a C1 level (European common framework of reference in languages) in one of the 3 languages of the consortium (French, Spanish, Portuguese) and B1 level at least in the two other languages.
- have an interest in educational technologies and a professional project related to these technologies,
- have a basic knowledge of information technologies attested by an ICT certificate (C2I or equivalent PCIE Start).
Application terms
- The application form may be submitted in French, Spanish, Portuguese or English;
- Download the application form, and safe it before fill it in ;
- Download the Europass CV and fill it in;
- Attach the supporting documentation in the following order:
1/ A copy of your diplomas with a certified translation, if needed;
2/ A copy of your certificates of continuing education, if available;
3/ A copy of your ICT certificates;
4/ A copy of your certificates of language proficiency ;
5/ An ID photo in jpeg format.
- Create a zip file with the application form, the Europass CV and the various documents. Only one zip file will be accepted, therefore it is important to pay attention to the weight of your documents.
- Send the zip file to: [email protected]
- The application form must be sent before January 6th 2014 (for “non Europeans” and “Europeans” students) at 00:00, CET time.
- Once we will have received your application form, you will receive a link to an online questionnary in order to finalize your application.
Application files not complying with the instructions will not be considered.
If you have questions concerning the constitution of the application, don’t hesitate to read our FAQ then to contact us if you need some details.
The selection is split into two parts:
1. selection based on the folder (answer given 01/17);
2. interview only for students selected in part one (beginning of interviews 01/21). Interviews will be conducted through Skype or on campus whenever possible.
Selection criteria
Your chances of being selected are greater if your application includes or shows the following elements:
- Academic or professional excellence.
- Interest in educational technology matters.
- Professional project or thesis project in the field.
- Knowledge (C1 level) of one of the three languages in use in the Consortium (French, Spanish and Portuguese).
- Knowledge (B1 level minimum) of a second and a third language of the Consortium.
- Good command of ICT (ECDL Start or C2i levels).
- References from universities and/or professionals.
File assessment: the seven universities of the consortium take part in the assessment of the files. Each file is evaluated by a minimum of 2 universities with at least. a European university.
Interview assessment: the 3 European universities are in charge of interviewing the students selected in step one.
Application Deadline : 6 January 2014