65 Massey Business School International Student Study Awards in New Zealand, 2018

The Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics
65 Massey Business School International Student Study Awards in New Zealand, 2018

65 Massey Business School International Student Study Awards in New Zealand, 2018

Scholarship Description: Applications are invited for Up to 65 Massey Business School International Student Study Awards to study undergraduate and postgraduate programme in New Zealand. International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

About University: Massey University is a university located in Palmerston North, New Zealand, Albany, New Zealand, and Wellington, New Zealand. Massey University has approximately 35,000 students, 17,000 of whom are extramural or distance-learning students.

Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.

Degree Level: Awards are available to pursue Undergraduate as well as the postgraduate programme.

Available Subject: Awards are available to pursue full-time business programmes at either the Palmerston North or Wellington Campuses at Massey University.

Scholarship Benefits: The award will be based on Academic merit at the discretion of the selection committee. The award may be awarded annually, and will be to the value of $5,000 per 120 credits enrolled, for up to the total credit value of the programme:

  • Undergraduate Programme maximum $15,000
  • Postgraduate Programme maximum $10,000

Number of Scholarships: Up to 65 awards are available and the total number of new awards to be awarded each year is subject to the approval by the Massey Business School Executive Team.

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:

The Massey Business School International Student Study Award (“the Award”) is for top-achieving new international students enrolling in full-time business programmes at either the Palmerston North or Wellington Campuses at Massey University.

Eligible Nationalities: International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.


Application Procedure: Completed forms must be emailed to international-at-massey.ac.nz.

Application Form

Deadline: Scholarship application deadline is November 30, 2017.

Scholarship Link
