5th Ozone Zone International Photo Salon – Competition 2017 is open now. Take part in Gala Anniversary Edition!
To celebrate our already fifth year, we obtained the patronage of more top photo organizations, and offer more medals and awards than ever! Amazing 229 Awards! We also plan to create an ultra-cool anniversary catalogue, press releases, and more. Maximum acceptances (up to 30%) will make more photographers succeed. Let’s Celebrate Together!
Promoting The Beauty of Our World and Positive Changes.
2017 Themes: COLOUR open, MONOCHROME open, special theme: LOVE, special theme: PORTRAIT and FINE NUDE.
- Low entry fees (with the discount for all sections!) and significant Cash Awards, something you rarely get these days.
- Maximum acceptances – around 30% as set by PSA rules.
- Entries count toward PSA, FIAP, MOL, GPU, and IUP distinctions, and PSA Who Is Who list.
- New country on international photo scene and for FIAP acceptances – Dominica, Eastern Caribbean.
- High judging standards and fine entrants. Your photos will be among works of many established international photographers.
- More medals and awards every year + recognition and exposure for winners. This year 229 medals and awards!
- Patronage of PSA, FIAP, RPS, GPU, and other top organizations means we have to comply with high professional standards set by them.
- Beautifully designed catalogue. Our 2016 catalogue received the highest rating from FIAP – and this year it will be even better – our anniversary edition!
Our international photography competition is open to all photographers, amateurs and professionals, young and old, from around the globe. Our goal is to promote fine, artistic photography with a positive message to the world. A good deed or act of kindness captured on a photo, a social change for better, a beautiful element of nature, a deeply moving portrait or a special moment in life, a pristine wildlife scene, or a conceptual art image created in the studio, they all qualify as having a positive message. No hate or derogatory images belong here.
The interpretation of contest themes belongs to you. Just keep in mind Ozone Zone Photo Salon jury looks for images bringing hope, showing compassion, love, and touching your mind with their artistry and beauty. The beauty can be shown in all of its forms, from a bare beauty of our planet to an abstract or portrait, to surreal work of art.
What is so different about Ozone Zone Photo Awards?
We SHARE Entry Fees with Winners! We are using a unique concept of Growing Awards. This means that you can win significant cash prizes, on top of medals and honorary awards. A number of Cash Awards strictly depends on a number of participants/entries.
More participants make the contest tougher to win, but $ prizes go quickly up to reflect your success! Sign up now to try your chances! You can win BIG! Up to massive $15,000 Grand Prix and $30,000 worth of Cash Prizes + Special Awards, IUP, FIAP, RPS, GPU, MOL and PSA Medals and Awards, and our Ozone Zone Medals. 5th Anniversary Celebration with the total of 229 awards and up to 30% acceptances.
Closing on October 31, 2017.