Scholarship Description: The University of Trento is inviting applications for the 33rd cycle of PhD Scholarships Programme in Physics for the academic year 2017-2018 – Jointly run with the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN). Italian, as well as foreign students, are eligible to apply for this scholarship program.
About University: The University of Trento is an Italian university located in Trento and nearby Rovereto. It has been able to achieve considerable results in didactics, research, and international relations according to CENSIS and the Italian Ministry of Education.
The program is conducted entirely in English. An international certificate attesting the candidate’s knowledge of English at the C1 level or higher in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is an indispensable requirement for admission. Foreign students are encouraged to obtain a working knowledge of the Italian language. Applicants may have their TOEFL language test results directly sent to the School. Please note that the TOEFL Code Control of the School of International Studies is 6286.
Degree Level: Scholarships are available to pursue PhD programme.
Available Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of physics.
- FIS/01 Experimental Physics
- FIS/02 Theoretical Physics, mathematical methods, and models
- FIS/03 Physics of Matter
- FIS/04 Nuclear and Sub nuclear Physics
- FIS/05 Astronomy and Astrophysics
- FIS/07 Applied Physics (for the environment, biology, medicine and cultural heritage)
- FIS/08 Teaching and History of Physics CHIM/03 General and Inorganic Chemistry
Scholarship Benefits: The PhD fellowships have a duration of 3 years and a gross salary of 13638.47 EUR per year (about 1000 EUR per month after taxes).
Number of Scholarships: Up to 14 scholarships are available.
Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:
- i) Applications for doctoral positions are accepted from applicants, regardless of gender, age and nationality, who hold:
- a) An Italian “Laurea Magistrale”, according to the Ministerial Decree no. 270 of 22.10.2004 and subsequent amendments, or
- b) An equivalent Italian university degree (previous regulations in force, “specialistica”, AFAM), or
- c) An equivalent foreign degree (Master’s degree) obtained at an officially acknowledged academic institution, valid for admission to PhD studies in the Country of issue and similar (duration and level1 ) to the Italian degree, recognized as equivalent by the Admissions Committee for the sole purpose of access to the present PhD Programme. Any degree in a scientific area will be given preferential status.
- ii) Applications are also accepted from students expecting to obtain the necessary degree by October 31, 2017. Admission to the Doctoral Programme for successful applicants who have not graduated yet will be “conditional” and the applicant will have to submit to the Doctorate Office Science and Technology (via email to by November 6, 2017, on penalty of exclusion, the awarding certificate or a self-declaration (see Annex A).
iii) Applicants with a foreign qualification that has not been officially recognized as equivalent2 to an Italian degree (Laurea Magistrale/Specialistica/vecchio ordinamento) will be considered as requesting equivalence in their application, attaching the necessary supporting documents. The eligibility of foreign academic degrees is assessed by the Admissions Committee, following the rules in force or the international treaties on recognition of academic qualifications. The Admissions Committee may require the applicant to provide additional documentation if deemed necessary for the purpose of assessing the suitability. The ID list of applications whose academic qualifications have been considered not eligible for admission to the selection will be made available on the web page of the admission procedure.
Eligible Nationalities: Italian, as well as foreign students, are eligible to apply for this scholarship program.
Application Procedure: The mode of application is online. The University will accept any additional documents to the submitted application if sent by email to (Subject: “Application ID – Applicant’s Surname and Name – PhD Programme in “Physics” – 33rd Cycle – Supplement to application”) within August 30, 2017. Additional documents submitted by different means will be disregarded.
- Identifying document (ID): • A copy of the applicant’s valid identity card (only EU citizens) or passport (non-EU citizens), in particular of the pages reporting photograph, personal data, number, place, and date of issue, expiry date and signature.
- Academic certificate:
- Italian qualification: already obtained: a self-declaration, in accordance with Presidential Decree art. 46 no. 445 of 28.12.2000 and subsequent amendments, declaring the degree obtained, “Classe di Laurea” 6 , award date, issuing University, final grade, examinations taken, grades and credits obtained (by using Annex A); graduates of the University of Trento may declare the place and the date of award as the other information will be collected automatically; to be obtained: a self-declaration, in accordance with Presidential Decree art. 46 no. 445 of 28.12.2000 and subsequent amendments, declaring the possible awarding date, issuing University, final grade, examinations taken, grades and credits obtained (by using Annex A); future graduate of the University of Trento may declare the place and the foreseen date of awarding as the other information will be collected automatically;
- Foreign qualification:
Already obtained: copy of the academic certificate (necessary for access to doctoral studies) accompanied by a list of exams with their credits and grades and, if available, the Diploma Supplement8 / transcript of records or Declaration of value9 or Rector’s Decree of equivalence10;
To be obtained:?
- A certificate of enrolment with a list of the examinations successfully passed and marks and credits obtained in each examination (if this document is not in English, the applicant must provide, in the same file, a translation of the same duly undersigned);
- A statement declaring that the student will complete his/her degree by October 31, 2016 (including the name of the awarding Institution and the official duration of the Master’s program).
- Summary of the Master’s thesis (in Italian or in English) explaining the reasons for the choice of the subject, the research methodology and the results obtained.
- Curriculum vitae (in Italian or in English), preferably according to the Europass model, clearly accounting for the applicant’s previous experience (Bachelors, prizes, researchers,…)
- Statement of purpose (In Italian or in English, max 2 pages): it is required to clearly specify: 1: Your scientific motivations avoiding generic statements 2. your personal motivations and your interest towards research in general; 3. the reason why you have chosen the Doctoral Programme in Physics at the University of Trento with reference to the research activities which are carried on there.
- Bachelor degree certificate (or equivalent), with an academic transcript of exams and grades, obtained. For EU citizen with a title awarded by a European public institution, the photocopy can be substituted by a self-declaration according to Italian D.P.R. 45/2000.
Deadline: Scholarship application deadline is August 30, 2017.