2015 Deutsches Museum Scholar-in-Residence Program, Germany

2015 Deutsches Museum Scholar-in-Residence Program, Germany

2015 Deutsches Museum Scholar-in-Residence Program, Germany

The Deutsches Museum in Munich invites applications for scholar in residence program available for research scholars interested in working for six or 12 months on projects involving the museum`s vast and heterogeneous collections. Scholars will present their research projects to colleagues at the beginning of their stay and will be expected to participate regularly in the museum’s and the Munich Centre’s Monday colloquium series and workshops. The application deadline is 16 October, 2015.

Subject Offered: Scholarships are offered to research scholars interested in working on projects involving the museum`s vast and heterogeneous collections.
Course Level: This is a residence program of six or 12 months.
Scholarship Provider: Deutsches Museum in Munich, Germany

Eligibility: Scholars at any level of seniority are eligible to apply, provided they have at least one university degree. There are no restrictions regarding nationality. All scholars are requested to make their own provisions for health insurance.

Scholarship Open for International Students: Applicants of all countries are eligible to apply for this scholar in residence program.

Scholarships Benifits: Scholarship holders will have their own workplace with a desktop computer and telephone, and the opportunity to reside temporarily in subsidized apartments of the museum complex insofar as these are available. Pre-doctoral stipends: € 7,500 (six months) / € 15,000 (full year). Post-doctoral stipends: € 15,000 (six months) / € 30,000 (full year).

How to Apply: Please send applications by post, including:
-completed application form
-curriculum vitae
-project description (3 to 5 pages)
-two confidential references (can be sent directly by the referees)

Application Form

Deadline: The application deadline is 16 October, 2015.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
