17th Annual Andreu World International Design Contest in Spain, 2017

wooden armchairs
17th Annual Andreu World International Design Contest in Spain, 2017

17th Annual Andreu World International Design Contest in Spain, 2017

Andreu World announces 17th annual international competition focused on furniture design.

The aim of the competition is to design wooden armchairs and a table.

Requirements for proposals:

  • the main material – beech, oak, walnut or plywood p?edýhovaná
  • the use of other materials (metal, plastic, glass, etc.) is only permitted when it is a structural material or materials are used for details and do not constitute a major portion of the product
  • All proposals must be original and not previously presented

The competition is open to students and design professionals can compete as individuals or in teams.

Not valid with no registration fee.

The following material must be submitted by each participant:

  • A prototype of the proposed piece (scale 1:5).
  • A technical report, to be presented on 2 to 4 double-space, single-face A4 typewritten pages. 8 ½ inches x 11 inches pages for projects sent from United States of America.
  • CD or USB with plans, diagrams, sketches, reders or pictures from the model.

Particular consideration will be given to innovative contributions (based on a feasibility study), which help to increase the product quality. The following factors will be analyzed:

  • Production costs.
  • Compliance with the intended functions.
  • Ergonomics.

Designs must be submitted in such a manner as to facilitate their mechanised mass production.

All products must be original, i.e., they must not reflect previous designs.


The following prizes will be awarded:

  • 1st prize of 3000 euros
  • 2nd prize of 1000 euros

Will be awarded by a jury composed of professionals from different sectors: Design, Industry, Media and other fields related to creative activities.

The jury will also award up to a maximum of 4, non-monetary, special mentions.

Category: Product Design

Deadline: All documentation must be sent to by post or messenger service, or by delivering the project by hand to our offices, before November 24, 2017.

Scholarship Link
